Saturday, January 25, 2020

Multimedia Applications

Multimedia Applications MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS 1.0 THE PROJECT OVERVIEW v Develop an interactive animated movie that contains specified title and story. You are given the freedom of choosing the titles specified in Section 4.0. The focus of this multimedia application is to help the general public to be aware or to be educated about the current issue, or fields of interest you have chosen. The animated movie that you are yet to develop is to be used as an informative or educational tool. The scope and contents of the title chosen are to be entirely determined by the students. 2.0 OBJECTIVES OF THIS PROJECT: v Develop the students practical ability to implement and document multimedia application. v Introduce student to the current technical issues in the area of multimedia. 3.0 LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this project, the students should be able to: Ø Develop multimedia presentation relating to a specific topic using the multimedia tools. Ø Distinguish the difference between effective and ineffective use of multimedia. Ø Have an impressive portfolio piece, and a thorough understanding of multimedia fundamentals. 4.0 PROJECT TITLE: v List of project topics for you to choose are as follows: Title Albert Einstein Stephen Hawking The life of DaVincci President Lincoln President Kennedy President George Washington Thomas Edinson Apollo 13 Political system in any country French Revolution Greatest Invention in Malaysia Prime Minister in any country Robot Terrorism Richest man in the world About the great artist, Picasso Russian Revolution Story about police Van Gogh Micheal Angelo Queen Elizabeth of England Human cloning Any Fairy Tales The greatest artists in Malaysia William Shakespeare Nielson Mandela Story about diamond The greatest literature of England Story about firemen Story about FBI Living beings in the sea Living beings in the desert Great Philosopher in the world 5.0 TYPE: v Individual work 6.0 REGISTRATION v You need to register the chosen titles with your lecturer, and get these approved. A proposal form of the project chosen is to be handed to me three weeks from today (submit on or before 18th October 2009; Total number of pages: half page) 7.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION v Your application must have significant use of the following elements so that you get some practice with them: Element 1 Text and animated text 2 Graphic 3 Audio 4 Animation v All elements mentioned above might not be able to be covered in lecture before the submission due date, therefore you must learn yourself first so that you can apply them on your application. No doubt there will be further clarifications as the days progress! 8.0 DELIVERABLES: v The documents (project report in printed form; Assignment 1) and Multimedia Application (animated movie) in the form of a CD-ROM (assignment 2). 8.1 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATION IN CD FORM: v The completed animated movie must be compiled into an (*.exe) executable file and burned into a CD-ROM. Do not submit some other format like *.html, *.dir, etc. v The CD-ROM should also consist of raw media files (e.g. *.jpg, *.gif, *.psd, .mov etc.) and all Flash working files (*.fla). v The running time of your movie should not less than 1 minutes 8.2 DOCUMENTS: PROJECT REPORT v As part of your assessment, you will have to submit the project report in printed form which include the followings: * Table of contents * Acknowledgement Section * Objectives of your animated movie * Targeted users background * Targeted users requirements * Concepts art and character design * Abstract * Application structure * Storyboard * Creative and unique features in your movie * References (Use Harvard Naming Convention; Refer notes below) Note: v You may source pictures and information from the Internet. If you have accessed the Internet, reference the resources used carefully in your document. v All references must be made using the Harvard Naming Convention as shown below: The theory was first propounded in 1970 (Larsen, A.E. 1971), but since then has been refuted; M.K. Larsen (1983) is among those most energetic in their opposition†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. List of references at the end of your document must be specified in the following format: Larsen, A.E. 1971, A Guide to the Aquatic Science Literature, McGraw-Hill, London. Larsen, M.K. 1983, British Medical Journal (Online), Available World Wide Web: URL: (Accessed 19 November 1995) Further information on other type of citation is available in Li, X. and Crane (1993), Electronic Style: A Guide to Citing Electronic Information, Meckler, Westport. v Total number of pages for the documents is in the range of 20 to 40 pages 9.0 PROJECT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA v Criteria for assessment will be based on: Ø Documentation (Assignment 1): Criteria Marks Allocated 1 Objectives 10 2 Target users background and their requirements 20 3 Concepts Art and character design 20 4 Storyboard (Inclusive of abstract, application structure and layout of application) 30 5 Creative and unique features in your movie 15 6 Originality (Reflected from Referencing of materials and Summary of what you have created or what effects have you made on multimedia elements) 5 Total 100 Ø Implementation (Assignment 2): Criteria Marks Allocated 1 Title and content: * Implementation suitable for intended audience? * Interesting? * Unique? * Clear? * Originality 5 2 Level of originality and innovation of graphics: * Amount of graphics self developed * Amount of graphics extracted directly from external source. * Amount of graphics extracted from external source and further innovated (like adding special effects added on the graphics) * Graphics quality * Quality of effects and innovation 20 3 Animations: * Amount of animations self developed * Amount of animations extracted directly from external source. * Amount of animations extracted from external source and further innovated (like adding special effects added on the graphics) * Depth and quality of animations 20 4 Sound: * Sound effect used? * Voice recorded? * Music used? * Sound quality 20 5 Technicality: * Level of interactivity (full interactivity? Or merely click and display) * Special Effects done on the system * Use of ActionScripts (ActionScript is strongly encouraged to use. If you have done so, remember to put the full script in your document. However, absent of ActionScript will not deduct your marks) * Full screen? * Able to run smoothly? 20 6 System development (compliant with the documents e.g. storyboard submitted earlier) 5 7 Presentation: * Professional style * Good use of language * Capability in answering questions addressed by lecturer * Proper referencing and citations. 10 Total 100% v Documentation contributes 40% and Implementation contributes 60% of the overall marks. 10.0 FRONT COVER OF PROJECT: v All reports must be prepared with a front cover. A protective transparent plastic sheet can be placed in front of the report to protect the front cover. The front cover should be presented with the following details: a) Names. b) Intake code. c) Subject. d) Project Title. e) Date Assigned (the date the report was handed out). f) Date Completed (the date the report is due to be handed in). 11.0 PLANNING: v You are advised to analyse your audience and survey the existing materials before starting out. Then, brainstorm, flowchart your ideas to see the general flow and finally, develop. Planning saves you a tot of heartache and headache later on. 12.0 MULTIMEDIA TOOLS v You have the options of developing the multimedia application using one of the following multimedia tools for your project: Element Tools 1 Text and animated text Win Word, Notepad 2 Graphic Editing Photoshop 3 Audio Any Sound editing tools like Audacity 4 Video (Optional) Windows Movie Maker 5 Animation Macromedia Suite (Flash, Director) 13.0 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY v You are expected to maintain the utmost level of academic integrity during the duration of the course. v Plagiarism is a serious offence and will be dealt with according to APIITs regulations on plagiarism. 7 Multimedia Applications in-course assessment handout

Friday, January 17, 2020

Relationships in Love Medicine

Rachel Robinson April 15, 2013 Multicultural Literature Christian Davis Relationships in Love Medicine Love Medicine is a series of short stories that was written by Lousie Erdrich in 1984 and covers a time span of 60 years. Love Medicine is set in North Dakota on an Indian reservation known as Turtle Mountain. Although the novel is fiction, the cultural, social, and economical aspects depicted are very realistic. Hertha Sweet Wong describes Love Medicine as â€Å"Metafiction, ironically self-conscious in its mode of telling, concerned as much with exploiting the process of storytelling as with the story itself. (35) Erdrich’s Love Medicine is not so much based on plot as on several key relationships. These relationships include; the love triangle between Marie, Nector, and Lulu; June and how her death made an impact on other characters and Lipsha a key figure to understanding the novel. June is introduced at the beginning of the novel by telling the story of her death. Altho ugh June is dead through the entire novel her memory lives on as her family and friends recall memories they shared with June and even some of their own memories throughout the novel. June will figure throughout the novel as a touchstone for the other characters† (Sweet Wong 57) June’s death affected all of the characters in the novel. June is â€Å"†¦the erratic and once vivacious beauty of the family†¦Ã¢â‚¬  as described by Sweet Wong. (38) June left behind her husband Gordie and her son King, along with her lover Gerry whom she also had a son with named Lipsha. Every character in the book is impacted by June’s death. June is said to be â€Å"the catalyst for the narrations that follow, stories that trace the intricate and often antagonistic relationships in the two families from which she came† (Sweet Wong 38).Junes son, King, buys a car with the money he receives from his mother’s death. The car is a shiny new sports car, which the o thers do not go near to because they are afraid that it is a ghost. June’s death also affected her niece Albertine’s relationship with her family. Albertine’s mother did not invite Albertine to the wedding but instead sent her a letter explaining to her that her Aunt June was dead and already buried. Albertine was very upset with her mother and refused to speak with her because of the way she handled the situation.Lipsha Morrissey is June’s abandoned son and is arguably the key figure to understanding the whole novel. Lipsha is the one who makes the love medicine, from which the title of the novel comes from. Lipsha’s first attempt at using the love medicine was for his grandparents who were on the verge of splitting because his grandfather, Nector, does not love his grandmother, Marie, anymore. Lipsha fails in getting a blessing from the priest and a nun and therefore makes the medicine incorrectly. He then tries to give it to his grandfather but he refuses to take it suspecting foul play.Lipsha knows that the medicine will not work unless both his grandmother and grandfather take the medicine so his grandmother, who also wanted to resolve the relationship, forces her husband to eat the heart. She forces it down his throat and Lipsha’s grandfather ends up chocking and dying from it. This causes Lipsha to realize that his meddling with the love medicine was very dangerous and not something to take lightly. Lipsha is a key figure to the novel because he shows how the love medicine is very dangerous.Lipsha learned a lesson through his actions of meddling with the love medicine. Lipsha shows us what happens when the love medicine is misused. â€Å"I could tell him it was all my fault for playing with power I did not understand. Maybe he'd forgive me and rest in peace† (212-13). Lipsha acts based upon how he feels rather than what is logical. He really understands the meaning and purpose of life. Lipsha sees how his grandmother, Marie, is hurting and helps her out. Nector has a confusing and complex relationship with two women, Lulu and Marie that unfolds throughout the novel.According to Hertha Sweet Wong, â€Å"Nector also articulates the strategy he will follow throughout the course of his life: he goes consistently with the current never fighting very strongly if at all† (62). Although Nector married Marie he loves Lulu and cannot get pass these feeling for her. Nector’s marriage with Marie is pretty happy until he realizes he is still in love with Lulu. Nector begins having an affair with Lulu that lasts for five years. Although the affair is intended for Nector to finally get what he has yearned for his whole life it suddenly turns into a complicated mess.What started as a carefree affair with the love of his life turned into a strict scheduling of when he as to see Lulu and get time away from Marie. The relationship became serious and turned into something that Nector need ed. He made Lulu into what seemed like a second wife and turned this care free love into a chore. Nector became controlling over Lulu and wanted her to only be his. Everything increased in complexity when Lulu had Nectors child. Nector gets fed up with the double relationships tries to leave Lulu. Once he realizes he cannot bear to be without her he decides to tell Marie he is leaving her for Lulu.To add to the complexity of the situation, Nector accidentally burns down Lulu’s house in the middle of all of this. With the mess of events Nector caused he ends up staying with Marie until he is out in a retirement home at an old age. At this retirement home Nector has very poor memory. Lipsha tells us of how Nector begins an affair with Lulu once again at the retirement home. Marie is desperate for Nector to remain faithful to her and searches for a way for him to be forced to. Her solution is to ask for help from Lipsha to make love medicine that will keep Nector faithful.Lipsha messes up in the process of making the medicine and Nector ends up dying from it. This seemed to be the only way to ultimately resolve the conflict between the women. â€Å"Love Medicine is a powerful novel. It develops hard, clear pictures of Indian people struggling to hold their lives together, hanging on to the edge of the reservation or fighting to make a place for themselves in bleak mid-western cities or devising ingenious ways to make more break for freedom, but its most remarkable quality is how it manages to give new form to oral tradition† (Sweet Wong 42).The characters in Love Medicine intermingled and interacted with each other in a way that takes priority over the plot of the novel. June was not alive throughout the novel but her death and figure played a very significant role in the novel. â€Å"June’s loss will underscore each character’s sense of identity when the tribal community and, concomitantly, each character’s potential for survi val† (Sweet Wong 57) Lipsha is a very important, if not the most important, character in the novel.Lipsha was the one who made the love medicine and intermingled in the other people’s love lives. Nector’s love triangle with Lulu and Marie is a complicating mess that is a key part to the novel. Nector was never satisfied with what he got and always wanted more. In the end he could not have what he wanted and ended up with neither of the women. All Marie wanted was for Nector to stay faithful to her but Nector’s heart belonged to Lulu.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Suicide - 593 Words

Suicide is the act of taking away one’s own life. Suicide, to me, is one’s irrational desire to die. This is because suicide can never be a solution to end problems. Suicide, in my opinion is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. This is because every problem that we face definitely has its own solution. There will always be a way to solve a problem. Suicide is a sign of major depression. Only cowards will take suicide as a solution and will never think of an alternative solution towards his/hers problem. At some point in our lives, most of us will definitely experience certain periods of sadness, worry or despair. While it is completely normal for a healthy person to have these types of responses to pain resulting from loss,†¦show more content†¦If not that, they might also be depressed thinking that they were not there for the one who committed suicide. According to researches, suicide is the third most common cause of death amongst adolescents between 15-24 years of age, and the sixth most common cause of death amongst the 5-14 year olds. It is estimated that over half of all teens suffering from depression will attempt suicide at least once, and of those teens, roughly seven percentages will succeed on the first try. It has become paramount that teenager nowadays commit suicide just to escape from problem without thinking rationally and made it a norm as its solution towards the problem faced. Teenagers are especially vulnerable to the threat of suicide, because in addition to increased stress from school, work and peers, teens are also dealing with hormonal fluctuations that can complicate even the most normal situations. Due to these social and personal changes, teens are also at higher risk for depression, which can also increase feelings of despair and the desire to commit suicide. Teen girls are statistically twice as likely as their male counterparts to attempt suicide. However teen guys are succeed more in committing suicide. In conclusion, no matter what, to me, suicide is never a way to solve aShow MoreRelatedSuicide : Suicide And Suicide1404 Words   |  6 Pages Suicide is a wildly talked about subject in this day and age. There are movies, books, papers, journals, and a wide spread of personal experiences. These experiences can be from thinking about suicide, making a gesture of attempting suicide or from people who knew somebody who went through with suicide. The experiences of suicide can lead to complications of survivors grieving process and also the stigmas that are associated with suicide. Unfortunately, we see a wide variety of suicide thatRead MoreSuicide And The Death Of Suicide1079 Words   |  5 Pages Suicide, a Permanent Solution to a Temporary Problem Good afternoon, I’m Jasmyne here to talk about suicide and how big of a problem it is. Suicide is defined as an act of one intentionally killing themselves. Why is suicide such a big problem? Well, suicide takes the lives of nearly 40,000 Americans every year; also it is more likely someone will die from suicide than from homicide. For every two people killed by homicide, three people die of suicide. Children young as 10 years of age have evenRead MoreTeen Suicide And Suicide1145 Words   |  5 Pagesthem? Today suicide is one of the most prevalent causes of death for teenagers in the United states. The suicide rates for teens are astronomical. Writer Stephanie Pappas mentions teen suicide rates in her article Suicide: Statistics, Warning Signs and Prevention. In the article, Pappas writes â€Å"In 2015, suicide was the second leading cause of death in people 15 to 34 years of age and third leading cause of death in children aged 10 to 14, according to the CDC.’’ (Stephanie Pappas, Suicide: StatisticsRead MoreThe Problem Of Suicide And Suicide Essay1435 Words   |  6 Pagesending misery. How do they cope? What are their ways of dealing? Most students live in denial. Others have friends to confide in. For the devastating part, most students are not as open to these ideas and it leaves them with this alternative: suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause in teens the ages 14 to 19 within rural underserved areas. Suicidal ideation (SI), suicidal thoughts, were surveyed in over 12 high schools and it was found that in the past year, thoughts of (SI) were not shared withRead MoreThe Theory Of Suicide And Suicide1339 Words   |  6 Pagesthat suicide rates skyrocket progressively across all age: children and adolescent (McClure, 1994), Middle-age (Manton et al., 1987) and the elderly (Draper, 1996), studying suicide have become an important issue in sociology. Suicide is a complex issue which may combine several factors such as development factors, social factors, and culture factors (Goldsmith, 2002). However, Durkheim (1897) provided a classical model including four types of suicide: altruistic suicide, fatalistic suicide, egoisticRead MoreThe Death Of Suicide And Suicide891 Words   |  4 Pages, 2015 Suicide is an occurrence in life that society does not want to talk about. Social knowledge is minimal at best about how to approach communication with those affected by suicide. The stigma about suicide is vastly misunderstood, unfounded and should not exist. Learning about suicide is very important not only for society but for those who have to suffer and live with the â€Å"social blight† society has created about this sad problem. There are various reasons for attempted suicide such asRead MoreThe Issue Of Suicide And Suicide1557 Words   |  7 PagesThe topic I chose to elaborate on as a criminal act in some countries but considered deviant or conventional in others is the issue of suicide from the basis of attempt and assisted. While suicide is a very enigmatic and incomprehensible subject for many, it becomes the area of focus on how criminal it becomes to take one’s life or aid in the process. How in control is someone of their life that it becomes a toler able decision and even supportive in some instances by medical professions. Is itRead MoreSuicide : Suicide And Depression1389 Words   |  6 PagesSuicide and Depression in Prisons Suicide is the leading cause of death in prisons across the United States (Marzaro, Hawton, Rivlin, Fazel, 2011). According to the United States Department of Justice, nearly 23% of state prisoners report symptoms of depression each year (Pardini et al., 2014). With, one out of seven inmates met the diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder (Pardini et al., 2014). Marzaro, Hawton, Rivlin, and Fazel (2011) proposed that probable representations ofRead MoreSuicide Ideation Suicide And Suicidal Suicide Essay2191 Words   |  9 Pagescausation of suicide ideation. Suicide ideation also known as suicidal thoughts are thoughts a person may have in which they may have the intention to harm themselves, but do not actually execute as planned. Thus, it is important for the reader to recognize the differentiation between suicide attempt and suicidal ideation. While suicidal ideation is the idea of suicide attempt is the actual intent of suicide by potentially failing at it. Both terms derive from the disorder of Suicide. While many mayRead MoreThe Suicide And Suicidal Suicide1381 Words   |  6 PagesDurkheim once stated that suicide is, â€Å"all cases of death resulting directly or indirectly from a positive or negative act of the victim himself, which he knows will produce this result† (Jones, 1986). However, suicidal ideation is considered when an individual has thoughts or feelings of suicide, but does not attempt or complete suicide. Suicidal gesture, is when the individual has attempted the act of ending their life, if they were to be accidentally successful, then the suicide is completed (Leming

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Womens Right Movement - 2439 Words

The Women’s Rights Movement, 1848–1920 Meet the Women Members of the 65th–73rd Congresses (1917–1934) Education Resources onWomen in Congress The beginning of the fight for women’s suffrage in the United States, which predates Jeannette Rankin’s entry into Congress by nearly 70 years, grew out of a larger women’s rights movement. That reform effort evolved during the 19th century, initially emphasizing a broad spectrum of goals before focusing solely on securing the franchise for women. Women’s suffrage leaders, moreover, often disagreed about the tactics for and the emphasis (federal versus state) of their reform efforts. Ultimately, the suffrage movement provided political training for some of the early women pioneers in Congress,†¦show more content†¦During the 1880s, the two wings of the women’s rights movement struggled to maintain momentum. The AWSA was better funded and the larger of the two groups, but it had only a regional reach. The NWSA, which was based in New York, relied on its statewide network but also drew recruits from around the nation, largely on the basis of the extensive speaking circuit of Stanton and Anthony. Neither group attracted broad support from women, or persuaded male politicians or voters to adopt its cause. Susan B. Anthony and Ida H. Harper cowrote, â€Å"In the indifference, the inertia, the apathy of women, lies the greatest obstacle to their enfranchisement.† Historian Nancy Woloch described early suffragists’ efforts as â€Å"a crusade in political education by women and for women, and for most of its existence, a crusade in search of a constituency.†5 The turning point came in the late 1880s and early 1890s, when the nation experienced a surge of volunteerism among middle-class women—activists in progressive causes, members of women’s clubs and professional societies, temperance advocates, and participants in local civic and charity organizations. The determination of these women to expand their sphere of activities further outside the home helped legitimate the suffrage movement and provided new momentum for the NWSA and the AWSA. By 1890, seeking to capitalize on their newfound â€Å"constituency,† the two groups united to form the National AmericanShow MoreRelatedWomens Rights Movement1336 Words   |  6 PagesThe Women’s Rights Movement Women’s Suffrage is a subject that could easily be considered a black mark on the history of the United States. The entire history of the right for women to vote takes many twists and turns but eventually turned out alright. This paper will take a look at some of these twists and turns along with some of the major figures involved in the  suffrage  movement.   The first recorded instance in American history where a woman demanded the right to vote was in 1647. MargaretRead MoreWomens Rights Movement3386 Words   |  14 PagesIf you were not born of white male decent, than that phrase did not apply to you. During this period many great leaders and reformers emerged, fighting both for the rights of African Americans and for the rights of women. One of these great leaders was Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Stanton dedicated her entire life to the womens movement, despite the opposition she received, from both her family and friends. In the course of this paper, I will be taking a critical look at three of Stantons most acclaimedRead MoreWomens Rights Movements1199 Words   |  5 Pagesdoes have hope struggling to carry the world. Women are continuously dehumanized because they are not treated as equals in the work place, the media, and school however the women’s rights movement has given women the right of freedom of speech and right to v ote I. Need for the movement Although, when the Women’s Rights movement started women were happy but it has then and even now moved quite slowly making women lose their hope. Women have transitioned into the state of mind of being the â€Å"housewife†Read MoreWomens Rights Movements951 Words   |  4 Pagesgovernment went through great length to prevent specific groups from having the right and ability to vote. One group in particular that were deprive voting rights in the past was women. The idea that women wanted to be not above a man, but equal was unfathomable to most men and women. In the past, women were seen as unintelligent servants to their husbands and children. They were deprived many rights especially the right to vote in public state or national elections. This did not change until theRead MoreEssay on The Womens Rights Movement1346 Words   |  6 PagesThe Womens Rights Movement was a significant crusade for women that began in the late nineteenth century and flourished throughout Europe and the United States for the rest of the twentieth century. Advocates for womens rights initiated this movement as they yearned for equality and equal participation and representation in society. Throughout all of history, the jobs of women ranged from housewives to factory workers, yet oppression by society, particularly men, accompanied them in their everydayRead MoreHistory of the Womens Movement for Suffrage and Womens Rights1200 Words   |  5 PagesPrior to the famous movement for womens suffrage in the society, women had little or no say in the society. If they happen to be working, it was gruelling things like housework that would sometimes extend over the course of the whole day, or, later on during the famous industrialization era that took place, in various factories they get paid very little and work long hours. On the other hand women had the go ahead to vote but in only some states, it was practically a big joke to think of a womanRead MoreEssay on The Women s Rights Movement1962 Words   |  8 PagesThe Womens Rights Movement History looks different when the contributions of women are included. -the National Womens History Project Throughout history, society has impacted the lifestyle of the individual. Change in society has a particular impact on the individual. During the Vietnam era, change in society was drastic. Many movements began during this time period. One of these was the escalation of the Women’s Liberation Movement. Womens rights was always a concern, but duringRead MoreEssay about Womens Rights Movement833 Words   |  4 Pagesit, â€Å"The greatest voting day in the city’s history.† It was a wonderful day for women all across the country. All of their hard work had finally paid off. The Women’s Rights Movement changed the way women were seen. Before the passage of the 19th Amendment, women in many states were not given the right to vote. The Women’s Rights movement was caused by many factors, greatly impacted the society of the early 1900s and changed American society forever. Women were traditionally seen as the weaker sexRead MoreThe Goals Of The Feminist And WomenS Rights Movements1166 Words   |  5 PagesThe goals of the feminist and women s rights movements are first to create equality amongst all people. All people are deserving of quality health care, unconditional love and mutual respect. Human rights are at the heart of women s issues, whether you are a woman, man or child, everyone, is entitled to basic human rights as individuals. As a marginalized section of the population, women should be interested in the elimination of patriarchal ideologies and systems that continually seep intoRead MoreWomens Right Movement 1970s784 Words   |  3 Pages Womens Right Movement 1970S The Womens Right Movement has been a long enduring battle, which started in 1848 and is still something we are fighting for. Woman Rights in the 1970s wasnt the first wave of feminism which focused on suffrage;this wave was mostly focused on equal opportunity. This movement helped gain the ERA amendment which allowed women equal payment in working fields. This was extremely important because although women were already working and have always worked they werent